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'Guiding support for family carers'

Family Carer Research Group 

The Family Carer Research Group is an initiative which is coordinated by Care Alliance Ireland, the aim of which is to bring together researchers who have an interest in Family Carer issues. Current members of the group are drawn from across the academic, not-for-profit and healthcare sectors. 

We meet 3-4 times per year, to discuss current projects, share knowledge and expertise, and to hear from experts in the field on topics which are of interest to the group as a whole. We encourage all members to look to the group as a source of support and inspiration, and to make connections which may be useful for collaborative projects into the future. 

As part of the group meeting days, we have presentations from members on their current and most recent work. Whilst a lot of these presentations are not publically available, many of our members presented their work at our 2015 and 2017 conferences. Some past, and guest presentations are available below. 

If you would like more information, or to express an interest in joining the group, please contact Zoe, the Policy & Research Officer ( /  086-8834942).