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'Guiding support for family carers'


Re-emerge aims to support family carers with their transitions back to paid employment. This will involve focusing on the family carers emotional, physical and mental well-being along with the practical training required.

Registration for this project is now closed. If you would like to be informed about potential future projects, please email Amy:

Project manager Amy and project coordinator Lisa, through the Kaleidoscope and Return Ready projects have, since 2021, worked alongside over 200 family carers on their journey back to paid employment. We have learnt that alongside the necessary practical training required, family carers have also reported the need for supports with their overall well-being to ensure finding and retaining paid work is achievable.

Re-emerge will deliver tailored workshops to address the practical, emotional and physical needs of family carers transitioning back to the work place. 




Practical Training: Career coaching, CV & Interview prep, IT training, job sourcing, further education support etc.

Mental Health Support: Access to mental health support groups, mindfulness, meditation, confidence building, peer interaction etc.

Physical Health Supports: Nutritional advice workshops, yoga, exercise classes etc.



Who is eligible to take part 

  Former family carers - where caring has ended within the past 12 months

   Family carers who are preparing for the end of their caring responsibilities

   Family carers who aim to return to paid employment alongside their caring role 

   Family carers who have recently returned to work following a full time caring role

All participants must be aiming to return to paid employment in 2023/2024



How it works

All of the workshops will take place in the comfort of your own home via Zoom. Workshops will run on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday's generally in the mornings but with some options for afternoon sessions. The maximum time commitment is 6 hours per week. 

Participants must have access to an email address and a laptop/tablet/phone with a stable internet connection. 

If you would like support with downloading Zoom or creating an email address please contact Amy on 085 2683589 or email                 

We aim to be as accessible as possible, so where appropriate, workshops will be recorded and stored in a secure portal for those who are unable to attend live. 



How to register to take part

To register, please complete the online registration form by clicking the following link: Registration Form Link

You can also call Amy on 085 2683589 or email

Please note, due to a limitation on participant numbers, we cannot guarantee your place on the project. Places will be allocated based on suitability, availability and then on the date you registered your interest.. 



This project was approved by Government with support from the Dormant Accounts Fund.