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'Guiding support for family carers'

Supporting Ukrainian Family Carers

In October 2022, Care Alliance Ireland received funding from the Community Foundation of Ireland for our project to support Ukranian family carers now living in Ireland. 

This project has two strands.

Strand 1: Development of a guide for organisations supporting newly arrived family carers from Ukraine. 

Strand 2: Provision of targetted care packs to Ukrainian family carers as part of National Carers Week 2023. 

The development of the guide for organisations is based on the PPI Guidebook we developed as part of PPI Ignite @ UL, and involves working with partners from the Ukrainian community in Ireland to ensure the guide includes relevant information for professionals and volunteers who are now working to support Ukrainians in Ireland. 

In some cases, Ukrainian family carers are 'hidden' and so may not be recieving supports; others are challenged by suddenly needing to connect to a system they are unfamiliar with in order to care for their family members. By aiming this guide at professionals across the health and social care sector, we hope to engage those professionals to actively seek out recently arrived Ukrainians with family care responsibilities, rather than rely on self-identification. 

In June 2023, the project team of Zoe Hughes (Care Alliance Ireland Senior Policy & Research Officer) and our community partners Yevhen Kavun and Tetyana Krevets presented the progress of the guide at the UL PPI Summer School; you can see the slideshow presented here

Project team at the PPI Summer School in UL (L-R: Tetyana Krevets, Yevhen Kavun, and Zoe Hughes) 

Our Senior Policy & Research Officer Zoe lead on the development of this guide; please feel free to email her for more information; 

The guidebook is now available to download and read by clicking here